While the commune photographs look strangely like posed Victorian portraits, the "nakeds," as she calls them, often suggest Pre-Raphaelite paintings, or scenes from myth.
He presented the evidence by the light of a fragrant turf fire: jammed doors, a Victorian portrait that leaps off the mantle, footsteps in hallways.
The man had the sort of face that would not have looked out of place in a Victorian portrait.
Over the mantel there is a dark Victorian portrait of what appears to be Lear on the heath.
The clue to this extraordinary U-turn in Ondaatje's life is a Victorian portrait that hangs in his home.
An old Victorian portrait began speaking in tongues.
YOU know that dour Victorian portrait your Aunt Tillie left you?
All her Victorian portraits and elegantly framed antique mirrors had been stripped from the walls and lay in silver slivers scattered about the floor.
Mr. West says his book is the first to examine Victorian photographic portrait jewelry.
In their 1995 "River," the Japanese-born dancers actually floated along bodies of water, entwined with driftwood that gave them the look of Victorian funeral portraits.