Literary criticism in the 20th century gradually drew attention to the links between Victorian poetry and modernism.
The book was a volume of Victorian poetry, awful sickly stuff, the pages bordered with faded roses.
The Printed Voice of Victorian Poetry (1989) remains his one and only book.
All of the material on the album is original compositions, much of it settings of Victorian and Edwardian poetry.
Victorian Poetry, No. 32, 1994: pages 35-53.
Towards the end of the century, English poets began to take an interest in French symbolism and Victorian poetry entered a decadent fin-de-siecle phase.
Rhythm & Will in Victorian Poetry.
Victorian Poetry 33 (Spring 1995): 31-51.
She edited the first authentic magazine, Focus, whose contributors were accorded free access for their vibrant breakaway from Victorian (Wordsworthian) poetry.
Victorian Poetry 42.1 (Spring 2004): 81-109.