We are currently running an old defunct model of Victorian housing that needs to be replaced or upgraded, that would get the economy moving.
In inner-city areas too, much Victorian housing was redeveloped.
Large-scale building of low quality Victorian terraced housing did not stop overcrowding, which itself lead to chronic social deprivation.
It consists of late Victorian housing, which varies between long terraces, semi-detached and detached housing.
There are a number of common themes in Victorian housing:
Consequently the park is fringed by Victorian housing, some of which is currently empty and derelict.
Brixton still features some grand Victorian housing.
In England, such areas were usually characterized by block streets of Victorian terraced housing, often with the giant industrial structures looming over the houses.
It is mainly an area of Victorian terraced housing.
In the 1870s the new railway prompted the building of Victorian terraced housing.