Though unlikely to show up on a modern stage, these elements show the influence of sentimental Victorian drama.
Society was an 1865 comedy drama by Thomas William Robertson regarded as a milestone in Victorian drama because of its realism in sets, costume, acting and dialogue.
Jane's writing played a major role in making Romantic and Victorian drama (with their hack playwrights and unlicensed stages) the subject of legitimate historic research.
Through him, Gilbert attempts to blur the moral absolutes of Victorian drama, just as he does in his comic plays.
Shame was an important element in Victorian drama, and Gilbert's play was criticized for its liberal ending, where unchastity is not treated with characteristic shame.
Some of this high Victorian drama has somehow got itself lodged in the current dispute.
This was far from standard procedure in Victorian drama, where naturalism was still a relatively new concept, and where most authors had very little influence on how their plays and libretti were staged.
This play became regarded as a milestone in Victorian drama because of its realism in sets, costume, acting and dialogue.
At the eastern end of the Mall you can see the Gaiety Theatre, one-time home of the Simla Amateur Dramatic Company, which is famous for its productions of Victorian drama and Edwardian operetta.
As was common in Victorian drama, a woman (Maggie Brennan) played a young man (Peter).