He worked with great care, and his best books held a high place in Victorian fiction.
And those people always seem to like Victorian fiction for some reason.
While this formula was the basis for much of earlier Victorian fiction, the situation became more complex as the century progressed.
This is, I'd say with some heat, perhaps the finest wild man in all Victorian fiction.
I am not a "radical feminist academic" but a literary critic of Victorian fiction.
He retains the complex plots and rounded characterizations of Victorian fiction.
It's a great exit line and you don't want anybody to ask you about other wild men in Victorian fiction, as there may not be any.
Looking out from Shaw's imprisonment in this castle, we may catch a splendid view of popular late Victorian fiction.
On occasion, though, he turns his professional gaze away from Victorian fiction to a more obscure area: South African literature.
She is described as one "of the finest creations in all Victorian fiction" by John Sutherland.