The story concludes with a confirmation that Victoria Winters is in fact the illegitimate daughter of Elizabeth Collins.
For that year, each episode's opening narration began with, "My name is Victoria Winters..."
Also, the roles of Maggie Evans and Victoria Winters were combined for the film.
Victoria Winter (born 13 July 1984) is a law graduate, businesswoman, beauty queen, model and television presenter.
In the 1991 revival series, Maggie had a smaller role, due to Victoria Winters being used as the Josette figure.
Victoria Winters was seated before a blazing log fire in the library of Collinwood with an ancient journal spread out on her lap.
Carolyn is the character known for her many romances throughout the series' run and being one of Victoria Winters' closest friends.
Victoria Winters' Parentage, episode 1 to 92.
Victoria Winters' Witchcraft Trial, episode 400 to 461.
Barnabas' Mission to Save Victoria Winters, episode 657 to 667.