The original school was located on Vernon Avenue in Glencoe, IL.
Clontarf has a range of commercial facilities in several locations, mainly centred around Vernon Avenue.
There is a supermarket on Vernon Avenue, and there are, for example, a number of public houses, restaurants, convenience stores, bank branches, pharmacies and medical practitioners.
Vernon Avenue is a local oddity.
The gunman fled toward a Honda that was waiting on Vernon Avenue, officials said.
After making a sharp turn to the east, Route 94 enters Hamburg and becomes Vernon Avenue.
The most recent proposal is for a 4,600-square-foot brick-and-stucco office center at the corner of East Broadway and Vernon Avenue.
The address was 1421 Vernon Avenue, Long Island City.
The police said they believed the suspect escaped out a rear window of the home, at 247 Vernon Avenue.
He named the new city after a dirt road, Vernon Avenue, crossing its center.