As a Verizon phone, most people buy it at the store, so they receive the phone "unboxed" already.
It's also a Verizon phone, meaning it stands the best chance of working anywhere in the country.
Verizon phones (at least older ones I had) even pop up with a message that says "call dropped" (and potentially beep) when it actually happens.
"I go over on my Verizon phone, and my dad doesn't want to switch to a higher plan."
Still, the Verizon phone was handy enough to use when plopped into new cities on business trips.
Leaving the jingles aside, if you had a Verizon phone, you'd be able to stay close with your family.
"Tonight" was remixed by Timbaland in 2009 for a special download through Verizon phones.
My Verizon phone works fine in the United States.
And once again, no Verizon phones need apply.
I took the Verizon phone with the forthright screen and fluent video into a taxi.