After 1125, the Sinagua resettled in the Verde Valley and used irrigation systems left by the Hohokam.
It was named House Mountain because of the rocky summit formation that superficially looks like a house from the Verde Valley below.
The Hopis believe their ancestors left the Verde Valley for religious reasons.
Headquarters for the festival is at Dead Horse Ranch, but events are held throughout the Verde Valley.
Honanki was one of the largest prehistoric pueblos in the Verde Valley.
Tuzigoot is the largest and best-preserved of the many Sinagua pueblo ruins in the Verde Valley.
Mrs. Warren, 30 years old, is a geography teacher and the college counselor at Verde Valley, a private boarding school founded by the bridegroom's parents.
Around 650 A.D., the Sinagua people entered the Verde Valley.
Some archaeologists place the Apache arrival in the Verde Valley around 1450 A.D.
The two tribes are not allowed to return to the Verde Valley until 1900.