According to the market research study, 65 percent of Venezuelan women and 47 percent of men admitted that they think about their looks "all the time."
"It's difficult to be a woman anywhere, but there is added stress in being a Venezuelan woman because you are expected to look perfect on every occasion."
Gonzalez married a Venezuelan woman named Indonesia Riera on October 20, 2012.
This is a cat that suggests tenderness, and a lot of strength, conveys the beauty and intelligence of the Venezuelan woman.
Venezuelan women and girls are trafficked within the country for sexual exploitation, lured from poor regions in the nation's interior to urban and tourist areas.
Over the last 20 years, Venezuelan women have held crowns in 10 top international pageants, a record unmatched anywhere.
In 1984 he met a Venezuelan woman of German ancestry named Herma Marksman who was a recently divorced history teacher.
His father, a chemical engineer from Pakistan, married a Venezuelan Catholic woman.
The mascot chosen for this edition is called Sofi, a white cat so cute, beautiful, insightful and courageous, as is the Venezuelan woman.
Within these service branches, the Venezuelan military woman has achieved important positions.