In both instances, the objective was to provide favorable financial conditions for the purchase of Venezuelan oil.
Its prosperity was restored in the early 20th century with the construction of refineries to service the newly discovered Venezuelan oil fields.
The president and his officials also want to widen the customer base for Venezuelan oil.
"But no one then was contemplating lost Venezuelan oil."
The situation has worried the United States, which is dependent on Venezuelan oil.
Now 1.5 million barrels of Venezuelan oil a day will keep flowing to the United States.
Furthermore, before the financial crisis in 2008 Venezuelan oil was selling at $129/bbl.
And he warns that if the Americans are so foolish as to invade, "you can forget the Venezuelan oil."
The United States, which is dependent on Venezuelan oil, has also expressed concern about instability here.
Cuba, even with Venezuelan oil, presents little threat to the United States today.