Barcelona was founded in 1671 and is a traditional Venezuelan city.
Barquisimeto is now a modern city, with the fourth largest number of inhabitants of all Venezuelan cities.
Bolívar promulgated the decree on June 15, 1813 in the Venezuelan city of Trujillo.
She arrived about 21 August and visited the Venezuelan city of Barcelona soon after.
Wilber Varela was killed in the Venezuelan city of Mérida.
His remains rest in the Venezuelan city.
You started plans for a coastal steamship line in the Venezuelan city.
By the time they returned to Caracas and other Venezuelan cities, some of these travelers were suffering from symptoms of cholera.
Last year, Barquisimeto, a metropolitan area of more than 800,000, won a status symbol coveted by every Venezuelan city - daily flights to Miami.
The Experimental Security University was set up to provide such training with branches in various Venezuelan cities.