At first Balša himself advised Venetian governor in Scutari to accept them because he wanted to divide them from the rest of Hoti tribesmen.
The negotiations failed and the Venetian governors then sought in vain to calm down the populace.
It was commissioned by the Venetian governor, Francesco Morosini, in the 17th century, to commemorate the opening of an aquaduct to transport water from the mountains to the city.
Faced with such difficult situation Venetian governors were instructed to negotiate peace.
All Venetian governors were ordered to help besieged city.
Venetian governor of Scutari, Leonardo Boldü, realised that Ivan's requests could have serious consequences.
The Venetian governor of Cyprus, after recapturing the Castle, decided to demolish it in order to avoid its possible seizure.
A Venetian governor (rettore) was appointed, who was dependent on the authorities of Nauplia.
In the 15th century, the Venetian governors of Corfu were also styled as despots.
With the return of a Venetian governor, Falconetto and his family were proscribed and seem to have withdrawn to Trent.