The physical accouterments are exactly the same - down to the photos of Venetian canals hanging on grass-cloth-covered walls.
Sanya had dropped the coin into a Venetian canal, but he obtained a new host.
The racecourse is scenic route 30 kilometers long along the various Venetian canals and historical buildings.
We had ideas for Venetian canals and gondolas.
The same computer system also controlled the exterior model which the effects team built to one-third scale to film the building eventually collapsing into the Venetian canal.
He is famously known for pictures of Paris street life and also Venetian canals.
The fake Venetian canals were pretty kitschy, I admit, but not exactly gritty.
Their fighting often caused Byron to spend the night in his gondola; when he asked her to leave the house, she threw herself into the Venetian canal.
This new incarnation was inspired by Venetian canals.