The blast at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, at Swansea in southern Wales, slightly injured four people.
The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency holds records on 42 million drivers and 36 million vehicle keepers.
For example, you can apply online to renew a vehicle tax disc with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.
However, you must notify the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).
In 2012 it was revealed that Camden local authority has been permanently banned from accessing information from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.
Although not officially recognised outside the UK, they are authorised by the nation's Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.
You should receive a certificate of destruction that allows you to deregister the vehicle with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.
Agencies range from Her Majesty's Prison Service to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.
United Kingdom Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.
This page links to the online form ordering service from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).