As the Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, stated in 1978:
The official Vatican newspaper used him as the example of the excess of professional sport.
The Vatican newspaper added only a 40-word caption stating that the Polish leader had been received in a private audience Tuesday.
He is an editor of Osservatore Romano, the Vatican official newspaper.
The comments were made in a new book, which the Vatican newspaper ran excerpts of in its Saturday edition.
The Vatican newspaper reported that the German bishops' earlier statement had been issued without approval from Rome.
The Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, dedicated a full page to the debate in its 14-15 January 2008 issue.
No wonder L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, has given the movie its blessing.
The following day L'Osservatore, the official Vatican newspaper, carried the news on the front page.
We don't know which is the official Vatican newspaper.