The number of Varsity Scouts is small, but has shown recent increases.
The Varsity Scout learns to use these ideals as a measure of personal growth and continually tries to improve.
As part of their programs, Varsity Scouts are encouraged to incorporate special programs and events on a regular basis.
Under the original program, Varsity Scouts were not allowed to wear the field uniform of tradition Boy Scouting.
The team is divided into squads of eight to ten Varsity Scouts, led by an elected squad leader.
There are also several awards that are only available to Varsity Scouts, and sometimes their leaders.
This award can be earned every three months by an actively participating Varsity Scout.
Varsity Scouts can also earn activity pins in several areas of high adventure and sports.
There are two other groups of scouts: Varsity Scouts are aged 14 to 17 and they participate in adventure sports.
Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts wear their current rank badge centered on the left pocket.