Another Sprecher-owned theater, Variety Arts, closed in 2004.
We're downtown at the Variety Arts.
Opening night is now Dec. 18 at the Variety Arts.
The rent at the Variety Arts will be $7,750 a week plus 5 percent of the gross.
Variety Arts, 110 Third Avenue, at 14th Street, (212) 239-6200.
In November the play "Program for Murder" lasted less than a month, and the Variety Arts has been dark ever since.
It owns 10 percent of the Variety Arts.
The Variety Arts on Third Avenue is closed and to be demolished this year after its lease was not renewed by the owner.
Variety Arts, 110 Third Avenue, near 13th Street, (212) 239-6200.
The Variety Arts, a 499-seat venue, is Off Broadway's most capacious theater.