There is more competition than ever, said Jim Foster, the Vanderbilt coach.
The Vanderbilt coach did something at halftime that the TV commentators and .
"That's a potential 9 points," said Jim Foster, the Vanderbilt coach, "and we're not in a situation where we have to foul at the end."
"If there is a better player in the country, I haven't seen him," said Watson Brown, the Vanderbilt coach.
This was the best start for a new Vanderbilt coach in 68 years.
Watson Brown, the Vanderbilt coach, said: "I like it better.
On Saturday, Brown and Eddie Fogler, the Vanderbilt coach, got into it.
"This can destroy a lot of myths that a lot of people hoped were true," said Jim Foster, the Vanderbilt coach.
"We were tentative," said Jim Foster, the Vanderbilt coach.
"She played a lot of pickup," said Jim Foster, the Vanderbilt coach.