A few days after her daughter's visit, Mrs. Forkosh, back from a vacation on St. Martin, came in and bought an adorned Valentino gown for the same sweet 16.
He wore an Armani tux with a bow tie and his girlfriend wore a body-hugging red Valentino gown.
Nan Kempner, who had just arrived in Venice from the cooler climes of Salzburg, Austria, looked refreshed in a slim red Valentino gown.
At one point, Ashton even peeked at the cleavage Lea displayed thanks to her sparkling Valentino gown!
Nan Kempner, meanwhile, was briefly caught with her backside exposed when someone stepped on the train of her Valentino gown and caused the snaps to pop.
The film's star Lea Michele, 25, opted for a nude embellished Valentino gown with a daring plunging neckline.
Jessica's dress was a tasteful Valentino gown with a plunging neckline just perfect for her hosting duties.
It wasn't as if she'd spilled ink on the white Valentino gown on purpose.
For the reception nearby at M Studio, a loft on Bank Street, the bride changed into a purple Valentino gown with feathered neck and wrists.
Her stylist was pursuing a certain Valentino gown, but the house hadn't agreed to let her have it yet.