In December 1992, The Marsh moved to its current location on Valencia Street.
After being turned down for regular use of church basements and school facilities, the founders discovered an empty store for sale on Valencia Street.
A few blocks away, on newly fashionable Valencia Street, restaurants offered valet parking.
Luna Park, at 694 Valencia Street, is a bar and bistro.
But Valencia Street is not the only pocket of change here.
Most records indicate that Valencia Street in San Francisco was named either for him or for the family.
Limón, 524 Valencia Street at 16th, (415) 252-0918.
A new Recreation Park was constructed at 14th and Valencia Streets for the 1907 season.
ScholarMatch operates a website and as a drop-in center at 849 Valencia Street.
I'm a big fan of the Burger Joint (824 3494; on Valencia Street.