A VHS recording of the performance was also released through Warner Music Vision.
The effect was to increase the apparent horizontal resolution of a VHS recording from 240 to 250 analog (equivalent to 333 pixels from left-to-right, in digital terminology).
This is a video clip that I salvaged from one of my VHS recordings.
Taken from VHS recording of 1984 documentary I love Quincy ftvdb...
A VHS recording of the short film was released in 1998, but it was not widely available and is considered rare.
The entire series was released on a set of VHS recordings in 2001.
The LaserDisc version of the opera provides a digital sound track plus enhanced video resolution over the VHS recording.
DAP offers support on capturing television broadcasts, how to clean up old VHS recordings, and how to author DVDs.
They never did give me the VHS recording I asked for, but then I was asked to go to Cannes to present Amores Perros.
This is an old VHS recording of The Pietasters performing in New York City on Thursday November 21, 1996.