Sharaf Rashidov, the Uzbek leader during whose 24-year rule the fraud was perpetrated, died in 1983 and so avoided punishment.
The senior Hazara and Uzbek leaders took part in the process just like later Afghan president Hamid Karzai.
But that help never came since Abul-Khayr Khan, the Uzbek leader died in 1468.
The most senior Hazara and Uzbek leader were also part of the process.
Abulkhair Khan, Uzbek leader (died 1468)
But when the new Uzbek leader invited the Taliban to move north and share power, he was rapidly sidelined.
The town is known for its large Uzbek population and the well-known Uzbek leader of the province, General Dostum's pictures, are on display in the town.
Each has been trying to lure the Uzbek leader closer to its sphere of influence.
The reports challenged the hard-line Uzbek leader, Islam A. Karimov.
Mr. Dostum is an ethnic Uzbek leader who is deputy defense minister in Mr. Karzai's government.