Once in control of the state he sought to create a utopian society.
"About a guy who wants to build a utopian society in the middle of Manhattan."
It has also been described as a utopian socialist society.
Oh, they got their utopian one-class society, all right, but the one class was poverty.
The novel also addresses the environmental movement as shown through Janet's utopian society.
In the utopian society of the year 2000 the hero is taken to visit a commercial store:
Center Grove was envisioned as the birthplace of a new white utopian society.
Olympus was meant to be a utopian society, but for some, it feels more like a cage.
The political and economic theory of socialism was created with the vision of a utopian society in mind.
I know that modern realities prevent a utopian "risk-free" society.