Thornburgh, because of muddled communications thought a show of force on the Ute reservation would suppress any burgeoning uprising.
President Abraham Lincoln established the entire Uinta Basin as a Ute reservation in 1861.
Raised on a ranch close by the Ute reservation, he was riding a pony almost before he could walk.
At the end, a week ago, on the Ute reservation, Will Price had a chance to kill me.
Thus, it had no jurisdiction to try the murder of a non-Indian by a non-Indian on the Ute reservation.
Attempts were made to relocate the Goshutes to other Indian reservations, including the Ute reservation in the Uinta Basin.
He also goofed, drawing the line separating the park from the Ute reservation several hundred yards too far south.
From here to the Ute reservation the road ran along the canyon's rim.
In 1865 a few Utah Paiutes had signed a treaty relinquishing southern Utah in return for their removal to the Ute reservation in the Uinta Basin.
She'd heard I guided some parties back on the Ute reservation.