Utah residents remember that when a nerve-gas agent was released in 1968, it killed 6,000 sheep 20 miles away.
Over the last two and a half weeks before the election, the Yes on 8 campaign received donations totaling $5 million coming from Utah residents.
Thirty-five percent of Utah residents are under the age of 18.
Utah residents do not especially like President Clinton.
It is this newly felt need that is making Utah residents, among others restless.
Permits are issued to both Utah residents and non residents.
Utah residents were more affected than their neighbors.
Did you know that 80 percent of Utah residents live within 50 miles of the site and that our international airport is only minutes away?
But Utah residents qualify if they earn up to 89.4 percent of the poverty level.
During the next forty years Utah residents and visitors found other signs of oil in various parts of the region.