A couple of US-based groups have recently been organized to speed the development of new treatments for Sanfilippo syndrome.
Speaking of Research (SR) is a US-based group which actively supports the use of animals in biomedical research.
As President of the MAS in 2005, Omeish represented the organization at a news conference announcing an anti-terrorism campaign launched by a coalition of US-based Muslim groups.
Many US-based group calls now take place using free conference calling services.
He is also a member of the international advisory board of the organization Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation, a US-based Jewish group dedicated to fighting discrimination directed against Christians.
The Small Arms Working Group(SAWG) is an alliance of US-based non-governmental groups working together to promote change in US and international policies on small arms.
These organizations claim that over 30,000 US-based groups and individuals have signed this declaration.
The Association of Concerned Africa Scholars (ACAS) is a US-based group of left-liberal Africanist scholars and students, founded in 1977.
Dodge is one of the founding board members of the Kolodzei Art Foundation, a US-based group dedicated to advancing the study of Russian non-conformist art.
This US-based group seeks to train women to effectively promote the ideals of liberty.