He was a gifted musician and entered the University of Arkansas in 1938 but performed poorly and left a year later.
The University performed strongly in the 2008 RAE.
In 2008, the University of Southern Mississippi commissioned and performed his work Renaissance for orchestra and choir.
In 2002, the University of Tokyo performed near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic observations of 773.
In 2009, University of Arizona researchers performed C14 dating on the manuscript's vellum, which they say (with 95% confidence) was made between 1404 and 1438.
Universities performed only $10.6 billion of the total $118 billion spent on research and development in the United States last year.
The University of Utah Singers performed this piece on October...
University of Texas students pursuing masters or doctoral degrees perform much of the hands-on research.
The University of California at San Francisco doesn't even perform surgeries for lesions that low.
The University of Tennessee Space Institute in Tullahoma has also performed work in that area.