It was trialled on the Foundation Course at the University of Papua New Guinea.
His interest in the region began in 1966 when he took a teaching position at the University of Papua New Guinea.
Two days later, a boycott of classes began at the University of Papua New Guinea, in support of Singirok.
He was the first law graduate from the Solomon Islands, graduating from the University of Papua New Guinea in 1975.
He then worked as a lecturer in economics at the University of Papua New Guinea from 1969 to 1973.
Bathurst, Australia: R. Brown and the University of Papua New Guinea.
Eri attended the University of Papua New Guinea.
Prior to his political career he was an academic in the field of political science at the University of Papua New Guinea.
In 1969 he served on the commission that recommended the creation of the University of Papua New Guinea.
In 1967, it became a secondary teachers' college, and in 1992, a campus of the University of Papua New Guinea.