Which is what the University of Kentucky is discovering.
It may not seem possible, but two University of Massachusetts researchers have discovered a snake with even worse table manners.
In 1962, two University of Oregon students discovered 35 bones fragments and fifteen teeth.
In actuality, the University of Kansas discovered him in the eighth grade at Larry Brown Basketball Camp.
The University of Missouri discovered its pigeon possibilities, he said, and pursued them under an agreement with Searle.
Young Max thinks of a career as a singer, but at Columbia University discovers journalism.
In late 2005, University of Melbourne researchers discovered the perenties (V. giganteus) and other monitor lizards may be somewhat venomous.
Later in the year, the University of Utah sent another field team into the area and discovered an Allosaurus skull.
Alabama is a computer virus, discovered October 1989 on the campus of Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
University of Miami researchers discovered new reef sites there in December 2005.