As of the United States census in 2011, its population was 7,853.
Its population was 54,181 at the 2010 United States census.
It was the 317th most popular given name for women and girls in the United States census of 1990.
The 2000 United States census says that the city is home to 13,808 people.
The United States census put the village population at 2,048.
The most recent United States census figures showed a 60 percent increase in such businesses, to 2.15 million, from 1987 to 1992.
As of the United States census, 2000, the township population was 1,159.
After the United States census, it is the most frequently analyzed data source in its field.
The population was 214 at the United States Census, 2000.
At the United States Census 2000 the population was 489.
As of the United States census in 2011, its population was 7,853.
Its population was 54,181 at the 2010 United States census.
It was the 317th most popular given name for women and girls in the United States census of 1990.
The 2000 United States census says that the city is home to 13,808 people.
The United States census put the village population at 2,048.
The most recent United States census figures showed a 60 percent increase in such businesses, to 2.15 million, from 1987 to 1992.
As of the United States census, 2000, the township population was 1,159.
After the United States census, it is the most frequently analyzed data source in its field.
The population was 214 at the United States Census, 2000.
At the United States Census 2000 the population was 489.