He also is prepared to block United States participation in the United Nations Fund for Population Activities.
If it does, aid to the United Nations Fund for Population Activities is halted on the ground that the agency is helping such policies.
(The agency is now known as the United Nations Fund and is led by an undersecretary general.)
The report is prepared annually by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities.
Unfpa is the acronym of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, the population fund's former name.
Opportunities for such contacts have been limited, except for meetings and occasional conferences sponsored by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities.
The United Nations Fund for Population Activities has been meeting here in an attempt to peer ahead.
Some $50 million is channelled through the United Nations Fund for Population Activities.
Her father retired as the administrative assistant of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities in New York.
Ms. Edomwonyi is an intern for the United Nations Fund for Population Activities.