Union gunners posted artillery in the roadway to halt the pursuit.
Union gunners made use of a new piece of artillery known as the Requa gun-25 rifle barrels mounted on a field carriage.
When the time came another exchange of artillery ensued but this time the rebels stayed a while to try to silence the Union gunners.
Then the Union gunners lowered their aim and eleven-inch shells smashed into more vulnerable parts of Florida.
Want to know the sort of shells that Union gunners lobbed toward Confederate lines?
Two of Lee's aides rode up, insisted that the Union gunners could see them much too clearly.
Union gunners sent more than 5,000 shells against the town and the ridges to the west.
Union gunners pummeled the fort from their batteries on Morris Island.
The Union gunners had superior equipment and expertise and disabled most of the Confederate batteries.
It was long range for those days, but the Union gunners, always excellent, rained shot and shell upon the Southern position.