Miller soon distinguished himself in the Union defeat at the Battle of Wilson's Creek.
Meade's corps was left in reserve for most of the battle, contributing to the Union defeat.
Held responsible for the Union defeat, Stone was arrested and imprisoned for almost six months, mostly for political reasons.
The first fighting in Georgia and the most significant Union defeat.
This fight is considered the most significant Union defeat in the Western Theater, with total casualties on both sides exceeding 34,000.
He ordered a preemptive attack on the Confederate position, but the military operation was poorly conducted and ended in a Union defeat.
The "picnic battle," as it became known, resulted in a major Union defeat.
The lack of coordination of the artillery forces that resulted from this snub were well recognized as a contributing factor in the embarrassing Union defeat.
Scott assumed responsibility for the Union defeat.
Some observers believed they may have done so in the aftermath of another Union defeat.