The Unification Ministry issued a new appeal to North Korea to resume talks.
The cancellation came as the Unification Ministry announced that it would send more than $6 million worth of children's clothes and food to North Korea this month.
It is no coincidence that the South Korean Unification Ministry is paying for more than half of the reconstruction project here.
The South Korean Unification Ministry likes to publicize the growth in inter-Korean travel and trade.
An official of the South Korean Unification Ministry said the Monday talks had been positive and relaxed.
"The Unification Ministry has never lifted a finger."
A spokesman for South Korea's Unification Ministry made a cautious prediction that the letter exchange would go off as scheduled.
In November 2010, Unification Ministry officially declared the Sunshine Policy a failure, thus bringing the policy to an end.
No government officials from Seoul paid condolences, according to the Unification Ministry.
His Unification Ministry promotes peaceful coexistence with the North and rarely voices skepticism of it.