Unemployment rarely dipped below 5 percent in the 1920s and few workers faced real wage losses.
Unemployment finally dipped to 7.8 percent in 2006, and continued to fall in 2007, averaging 6.8 percent monthly (up to August).
Unemployment dipped for a time to below 10 percent.
Unemployment dipped below 11 percent in November, the government said on Thursday.
Unemployment remained above 9.8 percent throughout 2003 and dipped below 8 percent for the first time in several years in December 2004.
Unemployment has dipped to less than 6 percent, overtime is at a record high and many workers are holding down more than one job.
Unemployment finally dipped to 7.8% in 2006, and continued to fall in 2007, averaging 6.8% monthly (up to August).
Unemployment had touched 3,000,000 by the turn of the year, but had dipped to 2,800,000 by Christmas as the economic recovery continued.
Unemployment has dipped to just under 6% in the last month.
Unemployment has not dipped below three million for six years, and the interest rate on our sovereign debt has grown to 8 per cent.