At one time, the area was known as the "Pierogi Belt" because of the large number of Ukrainian restaurants; 2007, only a few remained.
Veselka is a Ukrainian 24-hour restaurant in New York City's East Village.
And every year, says Mr. Birchard, owner of Veselka, the venerable Ukrainian restaurant on Second Avenue, he is pressed to bring out the soup a bit earlier.
There, in a popular Ukrainian restaurant, 'Libed', she met a Serbian medical doctor, Bogdan Jovovich, and they fell in love with each other.
It is at 222 East Sixth Street, near the St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church, in a neighborhood with Ukrainian restaurants and shops.
I Map One of those must-visit places without any real draw except that it's Winnipeg's favorite Ukrainian restaurant.
One night, I was recommended a nice Ukrainian restaurant by my hostel owner in Kiev, and I asked the guy if they spoke English there.
Last spring it was across the street in front of Veselka, the Ukrainian restaurant.
"What power do you have if you are a restaurant in Chicago, a Ukrainian restaurant, for example, and they say that the swipe fee is going to double next year?"
Mr. Surmach, a second-generation Ukrainian, finds evidence of local renewal at Kiev, a 24-hour Ukrainian restaurant.