Herbert became an expert in Polish and Ukrainian affairs, and served with the Polish Army during World War Two.
She is against foreign intervention in internal Ukrainian affairs: "Ukraine's realization of its sovereign rights, forming a modern political nation, cannot be considered as a policy aimed against anyone".
She joined the staff of the National Security Council in 1992, specializing in Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian affairs.
At the same time the Union of the Ukrainian Naval Officers protested the Russian intervention into the Ukrainian internal affairs.
Dr. Taras Kuzio (born 1958 in Halifax, West Yorkshire, UK) is an academic and expert in Ukrainian political, economic and security affairs.
He openly grumbled about the new direction of Ukrainian political affairs.
The Hollywood Trident Foundation was formed in 2001 under Jack Palance's leadership to facilitate contact among professionals working in the entertainment industry who are interested in Ukrainian affairs.
This period saw two fundamental political events in Ukrainian Promethean affairs:
Mr President, in the European Parliament, we have had several weeks of fascinating debate on Ukrainian affairs.
Articles 1-3 dealt with general Ukrainian affairs.