The fictional Garrigan, we learn, is a Scottish physician, posted by the British Ministry of Health in a remote Ugandan village to work in a clinic.
A survey of adults in two small Ugandan villages found 20% had some sort of disorder, mostly depressive.
The study was done in Ugandan villages where antimalarial drugs were not used.
The Habyarimana government accused Uganda of allowing the RPF to use its territory as a rear base, responding by shelling Ugandan villages on the border.
Deodata was one of 16 children of a schoolteacher and a stay-at-home mother in a Ugandan village.
Sir Elton's voice-over explains that before such programs provided education and other forms of prevention, AIDS wiped out entire Ugandan villages.
Each mvule tree is planted by a Ugandan village.
Not too long ago, Hutu militias attacked a Ugandan village and killed nearly everyone in it.
Publishers Weekly described Waiting as "a sensitive, slowly unravelling observation of daily life in a remote Ugandan village as Amin's marauding soldiers approach on their retreat north."
But his defining semester came in a small Ugandan village, where he spent the spring of 1998 in an exchange program.