This number is less than the previous two years according to the US Census Bureau.
A 2005 US Census Bureau estimate places the region's population at 249,837, a five year growth rate of 9.0%.
The percentage of college graduates is 9.5%, according to the US Census Bureau.
The figure is based on estimates made by the US Census Bureau.
As of 2010, the US Census Bureau indicated that the population had risen to 6,185.
Using a population of 290,809,777 (as per US Census Bureau).
Population figures are most recent information available from the US Census Bureau.
The total population of the district in 2007 was 5235 per the US Census Bureau.
The county population was estimated in 2011 by the US Census Bureau to be 147,083.
As of 2010 the city had a total population of 104,371, according to the US Census Bureau.
The total population of the district in 2007 was 5235 per the US Census Bureau.
This number is less than the previous two years according to the US Census Bureau.
Population figures are most recent information available from the US Census Bureau.
The figure is based on estimates made by the US Census Bureau.
The county population was estimated in 2011 by the US Census Bureau to be 147,083.
A 2005 US Census Bureau estimate places the region's population at 249,837, a five year growth rate of 9.0%.
Using a population of 290,809,777 (as per US Census Bureau).
The percentage of college graduates is 9.5%, according to the US Census Bureau.
As of 2010, the US Census Bureau indicated that the population had risen to 6,185.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population was 342 in 2010.