I wonder if such a poster or notice might be found in UK facilities - and if not, why not?
At Fujitsu, where we operate a unique 'private' Cloud model from our own UK facilities, we think differently.
The UK facilities also include a manufacturing plant in Wellingborough and an aluminium sand casting foundry in Worcester.
The factory since has developed into a major coffee producer, the sole UK facility producing the Dolce Gusto range, and also Nescafé, which is also made in Hayes.
It was engineered by Moog's UK facility and was hailed a success, allowing the Centre Court's only night-time tennis performance in history.
DG3 Europe has also set an initiative to increase sustainability within their UK facilities.
Specific threats have included the immediate cessation of all UK commercial activity in Libya, a diminishment or severing of political ties, and demonstrations against official UK facilities.
The systems we will talk about today cover all of these UK facilities, pinpointed in figure 1.
In 1952, Firth Helicopters began the construction of the FH-01/4 (still registered as G-ALXP) at their Thame, UK facilities.
This is a development of what Nissan does at its Oppama, Japan and Sunderland, UK facilities.