All these bodies were outside the jurisdiction of the UK courts and free to publish, which they went ahead and did.
You will then be allowed to refer the suspected infringements to a UK court.
Sultan made the decision to testify in front of a UK court.
This means that rights given under the Convention may be relied upon directly in UK courts and tribunals.
The tort victims tried to enforce the judgment in the UK courts.
Of course, it is uncertain to what extent, if any, a UK court would follow this decision.
UK courts have agreed that an employment contract is one of a specific type, and that it cannot be equated with a commercial agreement.
Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace have also launched a case against the government but in the UK high court.
This would be very convenient in preventing his testimony before UK courts.
On 4 May 2007 he was found guilty of stealing $46m (£23m) in a civil case by a UK court.