Farm revenues are less than the UK average, but agriculture still provides 7,000 jobs.
Public spending per head in Scotland is around 10% higher than the UK average.
This figure is generally accepted as the UK average.
The parliamentary constituency scores 14.4, close to the UK average of 14.8.
The UK average, based on established test norms, is the line down the middle of the scale.
The proportion of social housing is slightly lower than the UK average.
Today its social problems are largely a thing of the past, although unemployment levels are still above the UK national average.
The UK national average is 42 per 1000, again 'comfortably' the highest in Europe.
The next-largest sector is those with no religion, at almost 16.23%, also above the UK average of 15.5%.
The rate is lower than the UK average of 8.4%.