UHF television was added to the site in early 1975, launching with just the three programme services that were active at the time.
The UK's fourth UHF television channel started up.
"He expanded the radio medium into international communications, ship-to-shore, radar, and VHF and UHF television."
Klystron technology was still being used in 1993 in UHF television, the free-electron laser, and the Stanford Linear Accelerator.
Historically, most high-information-capacity broadcast has used lower frequencies, generally no higher than the UHF television region, with television itself being a prime example.
By the end of the decade, cable television was more popular than both direct reception of UHF television from the UK and satellite television.
The airwaves in question are in the 700-megahertz band, a segment used until now for UHF television but freed up by the move to digital broadcasting.
From then until the start of the digital switchover 24 years later, only UHF television would be available from the site.
The machine uses an ordinary UHF television set to deliver a monochrome picture via a built-in RF modulator.
During the late 1950s, he saw the potential of FM radio and UHF television and built the first successful Christian broadcasting network.