Under the amendment, none of the U.S. contribution - it would amount to only $15 million, down from $46 million - would go to China.
Their application to blood delivery from remote donation centers probably represents the major U.S. contribution to military blood program developments during the war.
One of the most significant U.S. contributions to the international scene in the last 20 years has been concern for human rights.
To date, U.S. contributions to multilateral organizations working in Nepal approach an additional $725 million, including humanitarian assistance.
With U.S. contributions now badly in arrears, the U.N. forces also suffer financial problems.
If a loan is made anyhow, the U.S. contribution to the renegade agency would be cut commensurately.
U.S. contribution $600 million; international contribution $90 million; Total $690 million.
The U.S. military contribution to pacification consisted of thousands of advisors.
U.S. contributions to economic development in the Maldives have been made principally through international organization programs.
It would make moral and fiscal sense to pay for the U.S. contribution to U.N. peacekeeping through the defense budget.