Before we go over the details, though, just one word about the U.S. role.
The next three months saw an increasing U.S. role.
The 120 served primarily in U.S. defensive roles, although it had been designed to be mobile.
The future U.S. role is to be facilitator, not mediator.
The U.S. role could be strengthened in several respects.
Amnesty International has expressed concern about the U.S. role in the conflict.
But such gamesmanship threatens to undermine public support for an active U.S. global role.
We'll emerge with new cooperative arrangements that will allow a bigger U.S. role than in the past.
For the sake of the future we need an official look into the past - how the U.S. role in the Iraqi buildup worked.
"As the U.S. role decreases, there is less and less reason for the radicals to take a back seat."