Andrew Tyndall, who publishes the Tyndall Report, said the shift to domestic pieces is part of a traditional election-year pattern of networks.
The Tyndall Report showing he was the most used correspondent in all of network news, his reports getting the most airtime in both 2011 and 2012.
"He made some poor decisions," says Andrew Tyndall, whose weekly newsletter, The Tyndall Report, monitors network news.
On the Big Three networks' evening newscasts, the time devoted to Iraq has fallen 60 percent between 2003 and this spring, as clocked by the television monitor, the Tyndall Report.
According to the Tyndall Report, she was one of the most visible American journalists on television.
And the Tyndall Report, which tracks coverage of different types of stories on all the networks, has found a steady decline in foreign stories used.
"His speaking comes off as overwrought and flowery," said Andrew Tyndall, publisher of The Tyndall Report, a newsletter that monitors network news.
He is the publisher of the Tyndall Report, a weekly service that analyzes network news, and his office is on the first floor.
According to the Tyndall Report, which analyzes the content of the evening newscasts of the broadcast networks, their coverage of Darfur actually declined last year.
Andrew Tyndall, publisher of the Tyndall Report, said that foreign coverage slackened most when Bill Clinton became president.