Twin Galaxies has been around since 1981 as a data tracking company for high scores on video games and pinball games.
Todd also verified and consulted with Twin Galaxies on and off as needed when sensitive gaming issues came up.
In the latter part of 2012, Todd resigned from Twin Galaxies.
Twin Galaxies has now become a global organization.
Nevertheless, Day, on behalf of Twin Galaxies, finally acknowledges Wiebe's integrity and credibility.
On August 7, 2010, Twin Galaxies once again certified Billy Mitchell as the record holder with 1,062,800 points.
The latter score, if it were eligible for verification by Twin Galaxies, would place him within the top 25 on the scoreboard.
On January 8-9, 1983, Twin Galaxies organized the first significant video-game championship, to crown a world champion.
The players selected by Twin Galaxies for the Circus are believed to be history's first professionally contracted video game players.
Since August 1, 1982, Twin Galaxies has been producing unique, colorful posters to document gaming events.