About three thousand "Twilight" fans attended Twicon over the weekend.
However, the Twilight fans at the center of the Winchesters' "disparaging" comments were "slightly fictionalized".
Of the Twilight fans who adore his character, vampire Edward Cullen, he said: "It is weird.
I guess people want it to define them, like, 'I'm a Twilight fan'.
Hayley Williams from Paramore is a Twilight fan and recently talked about her love of the books and the song's title:
For "Twilight" fans, a special valentine arrives a little early this year.
Early risers among "Twilight" fans have gotten a chance to see what some of their big-screen idols look like first thing in the morning.
Crush: Hollywood's Next Generation - 11 hours ago For "Twilight" fans, a special valentine arrives a little early this year.
His wife, a Twilight fan, told him he should audition for New Moon, believing he was perfect for the part.
Don't get me wrong, I used to be a big Twilight fan but after New Moon came out... The whole thing felt kind of trivial.