In 1994 the ruling Hutu government set out to eradicate the Tutsi minority.
During his presidency, repression against the Tutsi minority would continue.
His death sent the country back into civil war despite a peace agreement last August that was to bring the Tutsi minority into the government.
It alleged that the Tutsi minority held a monopoly of power in Rwanda.
The party draws most of its support from the ethnic Tutsi minority.
This provided for a transition government and elections, which the Tutsi ethnic minority could not win on its own.
The Tutsi minority ruled over the Hutu majority until a rebellion in 1959.
These families have been returning since a rebel force dominated by the Tutsi minority came to power in Rwanda last summer.
The Hutu majority had long been resentful of power held by the Tutsi minority.
By April 1994, a genocide against the Tutsi minority exploded, killing in the end at least 500,000 people.